Crying over buying milk

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Well, I knew something had changed when I picked up some milk but didn't realise it was the Wiseman name disappearing. On the packaging, I notice the cow print remains but a swirly font and terrible "Müllerlicious" tagline has been added:


Also, this is a 1-litre plastic container. Have the 'square' cardboard cartons been replaced?
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A former member wrote: Fri 15 Sep, 2017 21.29 I've never got on with their brand, given their tendency to use litre volumes rather than pints. This is by no means a Faragerant - it's purely an observation that it seems to be done in the hope that the great British public won't notice they are being screwed out of 0.272l of milk per 4 pints, yet for the same price #damnyouonestop.
Possibly due to their own-brand being used to supply smaller shops more often than major supermarkets? Grahams tend to do it up here with Grahams branded milk, but Lidl's Aberdoyle branded milk (made by Grahams) is sold as 4 pints.

Same as how Booker is full of slightly smaller packs of cereal so they can "price match" with the supermarkets whilst maintaining a decent enough margin?
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Unclear if this is the work of the Hull Milk Cartel but I've noticed that Tesco milk now states that its good for five days once opened whereas it used to say three.

Not sure if there's been any change in dairy processes or if its changing an overly conservative figure to align with their new food waste goals but thought it was interesting. Does somewhat make Cravendale's 7 days seem less impressive, especially at the £2.50 a bottle they now want.
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Nick Harvey
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Pete wrote: Not sure if there's been any change in dairy processes.
I have a feeling there's a process change going on.

Here in Wiltshire (nowhere near Hull, for fans of BBC dumbing down), we have a Tesco delivery every Friday. Traditionally, the best by date on our milk has always been the Wednesday after next. In the last few weeks it's changed to be consistently the Monday after next instead.
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Pete wrote: Mon 03 Oct, 2022 10.18 Unclear if this is the work of the Hull Milk Cartel but I've noticed that Tesco milk now states that its good for five days once opened whereas it used to say three.

Not sure if there's been any change in dairy processes or if its changing an overly conservative figure to align with their new food waste goals but thought it was interesting. Does somewhat make Cravendale's 7 days seem less impressive, especially at the £2.50 a bottle they now want.
The Hull-only consumption limit remains improbable.

Whatever the bottles say, Cravendale/Bob milk definitely lasts a good 2-3 weeks in reality I've found, sometimes more.
Martin Phillp
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There have been some issues getting 1 pint Whole Milk from Sainsbury's, Co-op and Tesco. Weeks on end of only semi-skimmed own brand or Grahams in Sainsbury's with the occasional delivery of Sainsbury's Whole or Grahams.

The only place which seems to have a regular delivery locally is the M&S Foodhall.
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My milko didn't deliver the milk until 10.30 on Monday. 10.30! That's almost the whole morning gone.
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I've barely seen 1 pint bottles since the start of the pandemic.
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I'm not keen on these new white bottle tops.
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Pete wrote: Tue 20 Dec, 2022 07.48 I'm not keen on these new white bottle tops.
I've not seen them up my end yet - where have they appeared so far?
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Definitely in Waitrose. Think I’ve seen them in Co-op too.
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