As I mentioned earlier, any potential buyer will have to invest between £25-£30m to get the shops stocked again to levels seen before the stock issues started, which hasn't been for months, but since the pandemic.WillPS wrote: Thu 17 Aug, 2023 20.56 As you note the business is starved of stock and I imagine that situation is major issue when it comes to any prospective buyer.
From what I've observed on Mon, Tues and today, they're getting a trickle of own brand stock and a tiny amount of branded stock delivered, yet it's obvious they're not getting anything from some of the larger brands. Nivea products have dwindled for example and are no longer stocking their deodorant and are low on hand cream.
However while household is dwindling, the gardening section is almost fully stocked, same for pets although fish food was out of stock.
Usually at this time of year, Wilko will have a huge back to school promotion where they over stock on stationery goods, but not this year, although stock for most products in that department are what I'd consider to be normal for outside August bar one or two products.